If you are making your own fresh almond milk regularly, then you have an abundance of almond pulp. Some people toss this nutritional goodness in the garbage, but I’m here to convince you otherwise.
Let me show you how to get it from pulp to flour. There are many delicious and nutritional recipes that use almond flour so this will not go to waste!
When making homemade almond milk you will end up almond with pulp, pictured here.
To turn this into flour we’ll first need to remove the moisture from the pulp.
One way to dry the freshly made pulp, is to spread it out on a baking sheet, then put in the oven for a couple of hours on low temps — between 125º to 200º is best. I normally check it every hour until the pulp is completely dry.
Another option to remove the moisture from the pulp is an Electric Food Dehydrator.
I chose to buy the dehydrator because I dehydrate fruits and pulp weekly. This makes life a little simpler.
Using an electric dehydrator you will have several trays to spread the pulp thin.
Stack the trays, plug it in, and replace the lid.
I set the temperature on the dehydrator to 122º and set the timer for 2 hours.
After 2 hours, I check to make sure the pulp is dry. If not completely dry, I set it for another hour at the same temp of 122º..
Once the pulp is dehydrated it will have “shrunk” just a little and be very dry to the touch.
Place the dried pulp in a food processor on high until the pulp is the consistency of flour or meal.
Now you are ready to use the almond flour! Some recipes referred to this flour as almond meal.
Keep the flour in an airtight container. I keep mine in the refrigerator and it last for months!
Check out the recipes below that call for almond flour. These are posted on my blog and I will continue to add more delicious recipes!
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